Freedom ? OR The modern prison?

CWC-in-Cell-1000x599A 4×4 room with bunk beds, Iron rods for a door, guys with tattoos lifting weights or Spending  your day according to the instruction from a guy in a uniform? Isn’t this the usual thought that comes to our mind when we hear the word prison?

But let me take you towards a different direction, a direction we might not have headed towards before.

Everyday we hear the word freedom. Most of us, infact majority of us consider ourselves as free human beings, someone who isn’t tied down or imprisoned, but is that the only definition of being free or having freedom?  But in fact we all are inmates of the modern prison!

Modern prison? Yes the modern prison. However we all are free from the outside but we are all in caged by our brains and hearts. We stop ourselves from doing the better deed not because we aren’t capable of doing it but we are too scared to perform it, it could be because of fear or laziness. We spend most of our lives looking at others, judging their every move and then talking about it with people for day in and day out. We are too focused what others are doing and how we don’t approve of it rather than working on ourselves and trying to make us into better people.

We are in caged by our emotions! The slightest thing goes wrong and there we are giving up all hope for life and sending ourselves into an unnecessary spiral. Instead of wasting time in that mental breakdown, which is clearly not waste the energy we could have put into looking in to the fixing the problem. Likewise something that doesn’t go our way we just go completely out of our minds and then onlything left to happen is the smoke coming out of our ears. At the time loosing ones temper seems to be the right thing to do but it isn’t, it never is and can never be! The only outcome of this act is that we put the energy in the wrong direction and once its all out we still stand where we stood before or maybe a few steps back

There we are behind grill after  grill of iron bars. Still think we are free?

-Hamza Adnan Khan

Take control and succeed


Had a bad week at work? Things not working out in college? Don’t want to wake up to the same alarm bell every morning? May I help you with that? Let’s go back in time. Imagine yourself as a child running around the house. Think of that time when you wanted something intensely; something you wanted the most in life. Now when you look at where you are today, do you have what you wanted? If the answer is yes!, then make yourself do what it takes to stand your ground here and to keep moving forward. In the other case if your answer is no then ask yourself,WHY aren’t you there yet? Something which I have observed is that the reason why people lag behind in life is because they lack one very important quality and that is “MOTIVATION”. One word ten letters and it has a whole world to it! Whenever we hear the word motivation every single person reacts differently to it. Some would be motivated by a person or by a speech while others might be motivated by the thought of having a big house or that certain brand new car. Some might even find motivation in the right sort of music. Now we come to the question, where can we find this motivation and how can we keep it strong and steady? We have all been at that place when one instant we were highly motivated to do something and the next we would be like ice; cold and still. Motivating yourself is like charging your phone, you don’t do it for some time you will be clearly in trouble! We wake up in the morning and in that moment all we need is a reason to make it through the day. How about in those first few minutes when you wake up, think of the things you want to achieve. Maybe even give yourself a pep talk before getting out of bed so you have a reason to get up and stand and so you know what you want and you are willing to work for it. There might be another person out there struggling to achieve the same thing in life as you are but the one who works for it will achieve it. Why let someone else take that away from you? You want it? Go get it no matter how hard it is or how many times you have tried and failed! Go and get it. It is your life so take control of it today,right now in this moment and move forward. Keep pushing against the hurdles of life and keep advancing. You will get there. Don’t break under the pressure because “the coal that endures extreme pressures turns into diamond.” Motivate YOUR OWN SELF and succeed

The Daily World

We wake up every day with the same routine set in our minds, the same tasks we are going do today like every other day. How many times we see something on the news or something that’s happening around us that we want to talk about or give our opinion about but we are so sucked in our daily routine that either we don’t bother thinking about them or we just over look them like nothing is there.

Look around us, where the world is today, where the world is going to be in the next 20-25 years. Have you ever stopped to wonder what my input in all of this is? Do I have a part to play in this fast moving world? Or am I going to live out my life like a normal human being and leave nothing behind?

It’s not like someone hasn’t asked you this question before or someone made you realize there is a lot going on around us. Usually when someone does all of this we are moved for a very short period of time and then our mind tells us “Aaah it’s too late you can’t climb a mountain now”

Well you see your mind is exactly correct you probably can’t climb a mountain but there are tons of other things you still can do, you just don’t let you mind finish that thought. This is why I am writing this blog so that reader can talk about their opinions and experiences and so we may learn from one another and at least put ourselves out there and discuss recent events and put a thought in to it.. Together.

-Hamza Adnan Khan