The Daily World

We wake up every day with the same routine set in our minds, the same tasks we are going do today like every other day. How many times we see something on the news or something that’s happening around us that we want to talk about or give our opinion about but we are so sucked in our daily routine that either we don’t bother thinking about them or we just over look them like nothing is there.

Look around us, where the world is today, where the world is going to be in the next 20-25 years. Have you ever stopped to wonder what my input in all of this is? Do I have a part to play in this fast moving world? Or am I going to live out my life like a normal human being and leave nothing behind?

It’s not like someone hasn’t asked you this question before or someone made you realize there is a lot going on around us. Usually when someone does all of this we are moved for a very short period of time and then our mind tells us “Aaah it’s too late you can’t climb a mountain now”

Well you see your mind is exactly correct you probably can’t climb a mountain but there are tons of other things you still can do, you just don’t let you mind finish that thought. This is why I am writing this blog so that reader can talk about their opinions and experiences and so we may learn from one another and at least put ourselves out there and discuss recent events and put a thought in to it.. Together.

-Hamza Adnan Khan

5 thoughts on “The Daily World

  1. Well said and true GOD has created human being with great flexibility but you have to find your talent and then only your hard work can take you to success and important thing is “there is no shortcut to hard work “


  2. Wow Hamza! Impressed with the rare insight into your amazing mind. Looks like Reda’s facility with thoughtful words is contagious !
    World is indeed an amazing place, if you dare to stop and ponder over it. As someone philosophised :
    “Baazicha-e-atfaal hai Dunya mere aagay,
    Hota hai shab-o-roz tamasha mere aagay”!
    Look forward to more of such insightful and challenging posts.


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